Right-wing extremist chat groups - breeding ground for real-world dangers

Hass lettering on keyboard
Right-wing extremist chat groups - breeding ground for real-world dangers
Right-wing extremist chats pose new challenges for the security authorities. A holistic approach and various measures are required here. Information from the public is particularly important.

Extremist and right-wing populist actors use digital spaces to spread their inhumane attitudes in the middle of society. They target specific topics, recruit followers and spread misanthropic and anti-democratic propaganda.

Dissolution of boundaries in the digital space

Right-wing extremists attempt to make language and images socially acceptable as part of a strategy to remove boundaries. Hate crime on the internet is characterized, among other things, by the intimidation of dissenters and thus the promotion and dissemination of right-wing extremist ideologies. This can lead to a brutalization of communication in the digital space, where the boundaries of freedom of expression are clearly crossed and the rights of others are violated. In addition to the consequences for those affected, there is also a risk that real-world actions and actual acts may result.

"Terrorist gram scene" as an exposed example: willingness to plan acts of violence

A clearly perceptible focus has emerged in the area of "militant accelerationism" (as a political strategy).

This is reflected in particular by an increase in cases relevant to criminal law, the origin of which lies in the discovery of right-wing extremist and dangerous content in connection with chat groups. Highly dynamic and adaptive groups of offenders, some of them very young, who are quite prepared to plan acts of violence, can currently be increasingly identified in the digital space. Right-wing extremist-influenced international worship of assassins, whose patterns of action are spread in particular via digital media and networks, serves as a source of inspiration here. They are also actively encouraged to imitate them. In recent years, an increasingly right-wing terrorist subculture has emerged under the terms "terrorgram", "victory culture" or "assassin fan scene". In addition to the dissemination of anti-Semitic and racist resentment, for example via publications or relevant so-called "memes", a high degree of glorification of violence and affinity for weapons can be observed in these chats. Some of the mostly male, often underage members of the chat groups are not yet of criminal age.

Challenges for state security police

When such matters come to light, often little is initially known about the originators of the chat groups or their content. At the same time, access to weapons is often at least claimed, so that potential dangers to the general public must be contained.

The concrete potential danger from the scene is also reflected in the recent high-profile cases, such as a Telegram group called "Feuerkriegsdivision", where searches were carried out in Cologne against a 13-year-old creator of the chat group. This is a global phenomenon. Recently, proceedings - some with international connections - have been conducted throughout Germany against people who can be attributed to militant accelerationism. These include proceedings against serious criminal law norms such as the preparation of violent acts endangering the state or the formation of terrorist or criminal organizations.

Holistic approach essential

In order to consistently and comprehensively counter the components relevant to the threat described, the NRW police are taking various measures. These include, among other things, the evaluation of specific indications of danger and (un)dependent searches in data networks, as well as aspects of police prevention work.

The internet, a space without physical borders, does not allow for complete surveillance in Germany, nor is this compatible with the rule of law. This is why information from the public is of considerable importance in the holistic approach to combating crime. Criminal content on the Internet can be reported online via the Internet Watch or at any local police station.


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