Asserved weapons
Information on firearms law
Here you will find information and contact persons of the Unna district police authority for questions regarding weapons law.
Forms are also available for download.


Opening hours of the weapons authority

We ask that you continue to communicate in matters relating to weapons law preferably by telephone, post or email.
Personal appointments are possible. To avoid long waiting times, we continue to ask you to make an appointment in advance by telephone. In this way, our colleagues can provide you with expert, well-founded information on your request. As a general rule, Tuesday is still the consultation day. Deviations from this can also be made after consultation by telephone.




Ruling by the OVG NRW on the requirements for gun cabinets and the secure storage of keys

In its ruling of 30.08.2023 (case no.: 20 A 2384/20), the NRW Higher Administrative Court (OVG NRW) specified the requirements for the secure storage of keys for storage containers for weapons and/or ammunition in accordance with Section 36 para. 1 of the Weapons Act (WaffG). 1 WaffG.

Answers to frequently asked questions on this topic can be found at >>>> HERE





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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110