Frontpage Police NRW

Press releases of the Unna police

"NRW shows respect!"
With a vintage truck, the police in NRW invite you to a coffee and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
Unna police news

This short video has been developed to be shared on social media or in the status message of messenger services. The more often the short video is shared, the more people we warn.

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The recruitment consultant at the Unna district police authority advises on questions about the police profession and helps with applications


In all nine municipalities in the district of Unna for which we are responsible for policing, our district service is your first point of contact directly on site. Our colleagues, who are known as "village sheriffs", have their own districts in which they take car...

Preventing traffic accidents in the district of Unna - both preventively and repressively - is one of the tasks of the Unna district police authority.
Info pages
the police
The link will take you to our current press releases in the press portal of the dpa subsidiary News-Aktuell.
The police in the district of Unna also provide information on the social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
of the Unna police
On Wednesday (03.04.2024), the head of the police department, Senior Police Director Torsten Juds, and the deputy head of the Crime Directorate, First Chief Detective Inspector Christiane Schmitz (picture: top left with press spokesman Bernd Pentrop), presented the crime statistics for the Unna dist...
At a press conference on Monday (18.03.2024), the head of the authority, District Administrator Mario Löhr, and the Deputy Head of the Traffic Directorate, First Chief Superintendent of Police Thomas Röwekamp, presented the traffic accident statistics for 2023.
Here you will find monthly updated information on developments in selected crime areas
The overview map provides a weekly overview of the residential burglaries of the previous week in the area of responsibility of the Unna district police authority.
Country campaigns
of the NRW police
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110