Police work is value work
POLICE work is VALUE work
This is the title of a series of events organized by the NRW police, which the Unna district police authority will also be holding in the coming weeks.

The aim of the project is to enable all employees of the NRW police force to actively reflect on their role and self-image and to constantly reflect on and align themselves with changing social values.

A reflection on various values is at the heart of the initiative. Each authority selects values for itself, which it develops and illuminates holistically - the Unna district police authority has opted for respect and appreciation.

"The Unna district police authority strives to always look beyond its obligation to protect and respect human dignity, even without current events - both for all citizens and for its own employees," emphasizes District Administrator Mario Löhr, Head of the Unna district police authority. "We have placed our work and its impact on citizens and our internal interactions under two guiding themes: "You are worth UNs!" and "We are worth UNs!"."

Posters showing these two guiding themes together with employees of the Unna district police authority will be hung up in the coming weeks in the offices, where they will be seen by both employees and citizens. This is just the start of this nationwide series of events. As in the past, the Unna district police authority will continue to focus intensively on values work in the future.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110