Presentation Ford S-Max
New Ford S-Max patrol cars now in use
District administrator presents new patrol cars
The vehicle fleet of the Unna district police authority is also being modernized. The Ford S-Max and Mercedes Vito are gradually replacing the BMW.

On 24.09.2019, the district administrator of the Unna district police authority, Mr. Michael Makiolla, presented the new patrol car of the NRW police:

It is the Ford S-Max, one of 27 vehicles that will be replaced in the district police authority in the near future. For the first time, police officers were involved in the selection process. Interior Minister Reul said at the presentation in Düsseldorf: "There is no such thing as the perfect patrol car, because the demands on a patrol car are so different. That's why we took a different, completely new approach this time and opted for two models that complement each other."

The Unna police have opted for 18 Ford S-Max and 9 Mercedes Vito vehicles.

The new patrol car has many extras in store for colleagues. In addition to the generous equipment, there is a convenient storage space system in the trunk. All the necessary equipment can be safely stowed here. Naturally, the S-Max offers an innovative lighting concept that significantly increases visibility in unfavorable lighting conditions. Navigation and a reversing camera make daily patrols easier and the smartphone available in the future can be charged at additional charging sockets.

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